Foto do palestrante

Giuliano de Marchi

JP Morgan Asset

Biografia do Palestrante:

Giuliano é head of Latin America do JP Morgan Asset Management. Tem extensa experiência no mercado financeiro, com passagens pela Alliance Bernstein Investimentos, Cigna Retirement and Investment Services e Bank of America. É graduado em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, tem especialização em Estratégias para Negócios Internacionais pela London School of Economics e possui MBA em Finanças e Ciências Atuariais pela USP-SP. Além disso, Giuliano possui a certificação CFP. (Certified Financial Planner) e a certificação CIMA (Certified Investment Manager Analyst). É também diretor da ANBIMA e da Planejar.

Giuliano is Head of Latin America at JP Morgan Asset Management. He has extensive experience in the financial market, having worked for the last 10 years at AllianceBernstein Investimentos, most recently as Country Manager. He previously served as a Sales Manager at Cigna Retirement and Investment Services and at Bank of America. He holds a degree in Business Administration from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, has a Specialization in International Business Strategies from the London School of Economics, England and an MBA in Finance and Actuarial Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP). Furthermore, Giuliano holds the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and CIMA (Certified Investment Manager Analyst) certifications. He is also director of ANBIMA and Planejar.

Agenda do Palestrante: