Biografia do Palestrante:
ArcelorMittal Brazil Vice-President; ArcelorMittal Latin America Flat Steels CEO
Agenda do Palestrante:
André Chaves de Andrade, Jorge Luiz Ribeiro de Oliveira , Malu Paiva , Ricardo Fonseca de Mendonca Lima , Titus Friedrich Schaar
The Leaders Forum of the ABM WEEK - 7th Edition, will discuss one of the most current and important topics in the industry, which are the transformations in search of greater sustainability, aiming to meet the agreements and regulations associated with climate change. Themes such as carbon footprint reduction, energy transition, processes, technologies and products with disruptive innovations, will be discussed by the main executives of some of the most important steel and mining companies, who will present their visions, plans and strategies for carbon emission reduction in the value chain.
André Chaves de Andrade - Usiminas Director of Sustainability and Institutional Relations
Jorge Luiz Ribeiro de Oliveira - ArcelorMittal Brazil Vice-President; ArcelorMittal Latin America Flat Steels CEO
Malu Paiva -
Vale Executive
Vice President of Sustainability
Ricardo Fonseca de Mendonca Lima - CBMM CEO
Titus Friedrich Schaar - Ternium Brasil CEO