Foto do palestrante

Manuel Gandoy

Biografia do Palestrante:

Since 1996, Manuel has been working in the field of Gerontology. Graduated in Psychology in 1996, Master in Clinical and Social Gerontology in 1998 and Doctor in Psychology in 2000.

As a psychologist he has worked in day care centres and homes for the elderly, combining this work with university teaching. Since 2007, he has been working as a professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In 2009 he took on the coordination of the Official Master's Degree in Gerontology and since 2018 he is also the academic secretary of the Faculty of Nursing.

His principal research interests are caregivers of people with dependency and cognitive impairment (in both cases with technology transfer projects to companies from the University).

He is currently a member of the Galician and Spanish Societies of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Member of the Spanish Society of Psychogeriatrics and member of the Official College of Psychology, Neuropsychology Division.

Agenda do Palestrante: