Biografia do Palestrante:
Leading communication and fostering engagement within Startup Genome’s global client network. Worked closely with 60+ governments on projects ranging from policy analysis to supporting the production and launch of the Global Startup Ecosystem Report. One of my key focus areas lies in facilitating connections and building a strong, interconnected network of ecosystem builders across the globe.

Palestrante no evento
Agenda do Palestrante:

Why Europe is Emerging as a Hotspot for Scaling Startups
Jon Fath, Sama Siddiqui, Sean Seton-Rogers, Sissel Hansen
Jon Fath, Sama Siddiqui, Sean Seton-Rogers, Sissel Hansen
Gain insights into Europe's startup ecosystem, including recent investment trends and government policies driving innovation. Explore the continent's unique strengths, such as access to talent and diverse markets, contributing to its growing prominence on the global startup stage.
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